Looking for MUG DESIGN TEMPLATES for your mugs?
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Mug design template: Colorful flowers

This package of mug design template may contain the following files:
- mug design template in .CDR (Corel Draw) format
- mug design template in .AI (Adobe Illustrator) format
- mug design template in .PNG format
Flowers have long been a symbol of romanticism. Since the Middle Ages, men have given flowers to women they wanted to conquer. Today that hasn't changed, but some flowers can have different meanings.

Roses represent love and passion, daisies represent friendship, just like yellow roses. The glasses of milk and the white flowers represent peace and harmony, and the blue ones represent tenderness and trust.

In Victorian times, when Queen Victoria reigned in England, the stronger the feeling by one person, the flowers were darker.

This art for mug of flower can turn into a beautiful gift for those who love flowers!