Looking for MUG DESIGN TEMPLATES for your mugs?
In our templates gallery you can download hundreds of FREE mug design templates, all of them ready for sublimation!
Our templates are divided into many categories, such as funny, Flork, commemorative dates (Christmas, birthday, mother's day, father's day, etc), coffee mugs, and many more.
Our templates are available in PNG, and it's free and easy to create your own template collection: just download and use them! ;)
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Researchers hint that the first white wedding dress worn at a wedding was worn by Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland in the 17th century. The theory for this would be that Mary wanted to pay homage on her wedding day to her family, which was white in the family's coat of arms. Other researchers still believe that it was Queen Maria de Médici, from France, who wore a beautiful white and gold dress for her wedding. However, it was not always like this. In the past, as a general rule imposed by the Catholic Church, wedding dresses were dark in color and closed to the neck.

This art for mug for wedding can turn into a beautiful gift for those who are getting married, or even for groomsmen and guests!