Looking for MUG DESIGN TEMPLATES for your mugs?
In our templates gallery you can download hundreds of FREE mug design templates, all of them ready for sublimation!
Our templates are divided into many categories, such as funny, Flork, commemorative dates (Christmas, birthday, mother's day, father's day, etc), coffee mugs, and many more.
Our templates are available in PNG, and it's free and easy to create your own template collection: just download and use them! ;)
Access our gallery of mug design templates clicking here.

The rabbit is one of the symbols of Easter, because formerly, in the northern hemisphere, the celebration was in late winter and early spring, when rabbits appeared in the fields, with their young; it was the time of fertility.
The egg is also a symbol of Easter, as it represents the beginning of life. Several people used to present their friends with eggs, wishing them a happy life.

This Easter mug art can turn into a beautiful gift for Easter!